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This video is from the final presentation of ARH5600 : 3D Cultural Heritage Informatics, Fall 2022. Students featured in this video include Junyi Wu, Yunong Li, Kelly O'Meara, Dustin Thomas and Elena Wrobel. Their final projects can be accessed at
This video contains the 2023 Spring semester final presentation for ARH5600/5612 3D Cultural Heritage Informatics, a class taught by Will Rourk as a collaboration between the UVA Library and the Historic Preservation Program in Architectural History. The class is sponsored by Andy Johnston, director of the ARH Historic Preservation Program. Students featured in this video include ARH5600 students Ari Calos, Austin Riggins, Boyang Li, Thomas Wyatt, Yara Mortada and Yizhuo Chen and ARH5612 advanced students Kelly O'Meara and MaryCate Azelborn. Featured team projects include the Long Meadow Farm Barn, Upper Bremo Barn and the Palmyra Old Stone Jail. Student final projects can be accessed from
These are two recordings from 2022-09-07 made at the Bremo Enslaved Cemetery, Upper Bremo Farm, Fluvanna County, Virginia. The video includes two letters, one from Liberia to the former Bremo plantation written by Peyton Skipwith (1834) and the other coming from Lower Bremo former plantation to Liberia by Jack Creasy (1840). Both men were enslaved at the former Bremo plantations in the early 19th century. The Creasy letter is read by Horace Scruggs of the Fluvanna Historical Society and descendant of the Bremo enslaved. The Skipwith letter is read by Thomas Nynweph Gmawlue Jr, visiting student from Liberia participating in UVA Landscape Architecture class ALAR 8993 : Cultural Landscape Networks Across the Black Atlantic, lead by Professor Allison James. The readings were done as part of a collaborative field trip between ALAR 8993, ARH 5600 : 3D Cultural Heritage Informatics, lead Professor Will Rourk of the UVA Library and the Fluvanna Historical Society. Sources for the letter were provided by Tricia Johnson, executive director of the Fluvanna Historical Society. The source of the Creasy letter is from the Fluvanna Historical Society Bremo papers and the Skipwith letter is from UVA Library Special Collections.
This is a rendered flythrough animation of the 3D data collected and processed for the former Midloch Plantation enslaved dwelling. Produced from 3d data collected with FARO Focus 3D laser scanners on 2023-03-28 and rendered using Autodesk ReCap Pro v. 2023.
Animation of the barn at River View Farm, Ivy Creek Natural Area, Charlottesville, VA; data collected with FARO Focus 3D laser scanners by students of ARH5600:3D Cultural Heritage Informatics during the Fall semester of 2022; Data was processed with FARO Scene v.2022; Animation was rendered with Autodesk ReCap v.2023;
This is an animation from the 3D data collected by University of Virginia ARH5600 during Fall semester 2023; data was collected using FARO Focus 3D laser scanners, processed with FARO Scene v. 2022 and edited and optimized with Autodesk ReCap v. 2023; the animation shows sections through the barn at River View Farm, Ivy Creek Natural Area, Charlottesville, Va;
This is an animation from the 3D data collected by University of Virginia ARH5600 during Fall semester 2023; data was collected using FARO Focus 3D laser scanners, processed with FARO Scene v. 2022 and edited and optimized with Autodesk ReCap v. 2023; the animation is a flythrough of the Carr-Greer farmhouse at River View Farm, Ivy Creek Natural Area, Charlottesville, Va;
Will Rourk, Megan Page, Charity Revutin, Amelia Hughes, Adriana Giorgis
This is a flythrough animation of the 3D data captured at the Villa Almerico Capra Valmaran, aka Villa la Rotonda, in March 2019. Data was captured by University of Virginia Architectural History students under the direction of Andy Johnston and Will Rourk in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Technologies in the Humanities at the University of Virginia and the de Valmarana family. The animation was created in Autodesk ReCap v.2023 by Will Rourk.
This is a video of aerial footage of the Villa Almerico Capra Valmarana, aka Villa la Rotonda, Vicenza, Italy. This video was created by Shayne Brandon, Institute for Advanced Technologies in the Humanities, University of Virginia Library. It was produced from aerial footage captured by a DJI Inspire 1 quadcopter with X1 HD camera. The footage was captured during field work by UVA Architectural History students performed in March 2019 under direction of Andrew Johnston, Worthy Martin and Will Rourk for their 3 Cavaliers granted project to 3D scan the Villa la Rotonda in Vicenza, Italy.