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Michelle Kisliuk, professor of Music at the University of Virginia, discusses the transgeneric culture process through music focusing on socio-aesthetic.
Miki Liszt, dancer and founder of the Miki Liszt Dance Company, discusses her latest modern dance performance based on the book Veils and Words as an avenue of self-exploration and the veil as an Iranian-born woman.
Ning de Coninck-Smith, Professor of Education at Odense University in Denmark, discusses the history of child laborers in the five Scandinavian countries and the concept of children as social agents.
Phillip Troutman, research fellow at the Carter G. Woodson Institute at the University of Virginia, discusses his dissertation focusing on family and market geography in the slave migration patterns in Antebellum Virginia.
Phyllis Lefller, director of the institute of public history at the University of Virginia, discusses the project of collecting the history of 9,500 women at the University of Virginia from 1920 to 1972.
Rae Blumberg, professor of sociology at the University of Virginia, discusses policy implications on economic development research carried out in 31 different countries in all continents.
Rae Blumberg, professor of sociology at the University of Virginia, continues her discussion of policy implications on gender in economic development during the African food crisis.
Rebecca Young, 1999-2000 Bayly McIntire Graduate Student Fellow, discusses her dissertation that focuses on the relationship of non-conformist communities to art production in San Francisco in 1950's- '60s and her latest curation "African American Graphic Work of Contemporary Women Artists."