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Dr. Jennifer Wolch, Dean of the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley speaks about the tensions of implementing urban nature projects. Wolch challenges us to think carefully about the many different and often marginalized interests (people and animals) that must be taken into account, and the potential “collisions” she sees in the movement.
Flythrough animation of 3D data collected at the Birdwood Mansion, east of Charlottesville; the data was collected with FARO Focus X130 3D lasers scanners; data was processed with FARO Scene v.2023.0.1 and edited with Autodesk ReCap 2024; the animation shows features uncovered in the basement during the renovation of the building including:
- a brick entry platform, original to the early 19th c. phase of Birdwood
- a masonry feature found in the late 19th c. coal room addition
- examples of hand riven lathe in the hallway of the original early 18th c. portion of the house
Dr. Stephen Kellert spoke to participants at the Biophilic Cities Launch about the ethical and value changes that need to occur to achieve biophilic design in cities. He argued for a theory of cities (using his own city of New Haven as an example) that explains location, livability and future thriving based on natural features and conditions.